アジピン酸CAS:42331-63-5 HS:2917120001

1735895670 12
Adipic Acid
(化学式: C₆H₁₀O₄) です dicarboxylic acid used primarily in the production of ナイロン and other industrial chemicals. それは 白色の結晶固体 with a slight, sweet odor. Adipic acid is highly soluble in water and alcohols and has a melting point of 151℃.

Key Uses:

  • Nylon Production: The largest use of adipic acid is in the synthesis of nylon-6,6, a strong synthetic polymer used in textiles, 自動車部品, and industrial applications.
  • 可塑剤: It is used in the production of plasticizers, particularly in PVC and other flexible plastics.
  • 食品添加物: It is used as an acidulant in food and beverages, providing a slightly tart taste.
  • Polyurethanes: It is a precursor for polyurethanes, which are used in foams, 接着剤, およびコーティング.

Environmental and Health Aspects:

While relatively non-toxic, adipic acid production generates nitrous oxide (N₂O), a potent greenhouse gas. Proper handling is essential to avoid respiratory or eye irritation.

CAS番号: 124-04-9.



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