フタル酸ジエチル CAS:84-66-0 HS:2917349000

1735895456 10
Diethyl Phthalate (DEP)
は次の化学式を持つ有機化合物です。 C₈H₁₀O₄. 無色です, oily liquid that is commonly used as a 可塑剤 and as a solvent in a variety of industrial, consumer, and pharmaceutical applications. Diethyl phthalate is one of the many phthalate esters, which are widely used to make plastics more flexible and durable.


  • 外観: Diethyl phthalate is a colorless, oily liquid with a mild odor.
  • 沸点: The boiling point is around 293°C (559°F).
  • 溶解性: It is soluble in alcohols, アセトン, and other organic solvents but only slightly soluble in water.
  • 粘度: Diethyl phthalate has a relatively low viscosity, which makes it suitable for use in various formulations.
  • 密度: Around 1.118 g/cm³ at 20°C.
  • 臭い: マイルドです, 楽しい, slightly aromatic odor.


  1. 可塑剤: Diethyl phthalate is primarily used as a 可塑剤 for PVC (ポリ塩化ビニル) and other plastics to improve flexibility, workability, and durability. It helps to soften plastics, making them more flexible and moldable.
  2. Solvent in Fragrances: It is commonly used as a 溶媒 in the perfume and cosmetics industry, as it helps dissolve other components in fragrance formulations.
  3. 化粧品: DEP is used in products like nail polish, sunscreens, そして ローション. It enhances the smoothness and spreadability of these products and helps in stabilizing fragrances.
  4. 医薬品: It is used as an excipient (inactive ingredient) in the pharmaceutical industry, primarily in the formulation of medications, especially in controlled-release formulations or in the production of certain types of pills and capsules.
  5. Insect Repellents: Diethyl phthalate has been used in the production of insect repellents, particularly in combination with other active ingredients.
  6. Other Applications: It is used as a carrier solvent in 塗料, コーティング, inks, そして cleaning agents.

Safety and Environmental Concerns:

  • 健康リスク: While Diethyl phthalate is considered less toxic compared to some other phthalates, it has raised concerns due to its potential as an endocrine disruptor. Prolonged or high-level exposure may lead to health issues, especially related to reproductive health and hormone regulation.
    • Skin and eye irritation: DEP can cause irritation upon direct contact with the skin or eyes.
    • Inhalation risks: Inhalation of vapors may cause respiratory irritation or other health effects in confined spaces.
  • 環境への影響: Diethyl phthalate is 水生生物に有毒 and can persist in the environment. It is important to prevent its release into water bodies and ecosystems, as it may cause harm to aquatic life.
  • Regulatory Status: Due to its potential health risks, the use of DEP, like other phthalates, is regulated in certain products. For example, its use in children's toys and products that come into direct contact with food is restricted in many countries.

CAS番号: 84-66-2

CAS番号 for Diethyl phthalate is 84-66-2, which is used for identification in regulatory, scientific, と産業の背景.


Diethyl phthalate is a widely used plasticizer and solvent in various industries, including plastics, 化粧品, and pharmaceuticals. While it offers valuable properties like flexibility and solvency, it raises concerns due to its potential endocrine-disrupting effects. As such, its use is subject to regulation, and alternatives are being explored in response to health and environmental concerns.



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