ppylyethyleene酸化物CAS:25322-68-3 HS:3907210000

1735892802 2
Polyethylene Oxide (PEO)
, also known as polyethylene glycol (PEG) when in lower molecular weights, is a versatile polymer made from the polymerization of ethylene oxide. Its chemical formula is (C₂H₄O)n, where n represents the number of repeating ethylene oxide units in the polymer chain.


  • Water Solubility: PEO is highly soluble in water, making it useful in a range of aqueous applications.
  • 粘度: It has a relatively high viscosity, especially in solutions, which can be controlled by adjusting the molecular weight.
  • Biodegradability: PEO is biodegradable, making it an environmentally friendly option for various applications.
  • Non-Toxic: It is generally recognized as safe and is widely used in food, 医薬品, and personal care products.
  • Thermal Stability: PEO has good thermal stability, especially at lower molecular weights, which makes it suitable for a variety of formulations.


  1. 医薬品: Used as a binder in tablets, as a laxative, and as a controlled-release drug delivery agent.
  2. Cosmetics and Personal Care: Found in creams, ローション, shampoos, and toothpaste as a thickening agent, 溶媒, or humectant.
  3. Food Industry: 食品添加物として使用される (E1521) to improve texture and moisture retention in products like ice cream and baked goods.
  4. Industrial: Used as a lubricant, surfactant, and dispersant in various industrial processes and formulations.
  5. Biomedical: Used in wound dressings, hydrogels, and as a drug carrier in medical applications.

PEO is a highly versatile and safe polymer with a wide range of applications, especially in industries requiring water-soluble and non-toxic materials.



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